use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Mul, Neg};
pub trait FractionBisect: Sized + SbInt {
fn fraction_bisect(
pred: impl Fn(Self, Self) -> bool,
) -> ((Self, Self), (Self, Self)) {
let bound = self;
let fr_neg_infty = (Self::ONE.neg(), Self::ZERO);
let fr_zero = (Self::ZERO, Self::ONE);
let ztf = pred(fr_zero.0, fr_zero.1);
let pred = {
if !ztf && !Self::SIGNED {
return (fr_zero, fr_zero);
if Self::SIGNED && !ztf && !pred(fr_neg_infty.0, fr_neg_infty.1) {
return (fr_neg_infty, fr_neg_infty);
move |fr: Fraction<Self>| {
if ztf { pred(fr.0, fr.1) } else { !pred(fr.0.neg(), fr.1) }
let mut lower = Fraction::zero();
let mut upper = Fraction::infty();
let (small, large) = 'outer: loop {
let cur = lower + upper;
if cur.is_deeper(bound) {
break (lower, upper);
let tf = pred(cur);
let (from, to) = if tf { (lower, upper) } else { (upper, lower) };
let mut lo = Self::ONE;
let mut hi = lo + Self::ONE;
while pred(from + to * hi) == tf {
lo += lo;
hi += hi;
if (from + to * lo).is_deeper(bound) {
let steps = bound.steps(from.into_inner(), to.into_inner());
let front = from + to * steps;
let res = if tf { (front, upper) } else { (lower, front) };
break 'outer res;
while lo.lt1(hi) {
let mid = lo.avg(hi);
let tmp = from + to * mid;
let cur = pred(tmp) == tf && !tmp.is_deeper(bound);
*(if cur { &mut lo } else { &mut hi }) = mid;
let next = from + to * lo;
*(if tf { &mut lower } else { &mut upper }) = next;
let (left, right) = if ztf { (small, large) } else { (-large, -small) };
(left.into_inner(), right.into_inner())
impl<I: SbInt> FractionBisect for I {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Fraction<I>(I, I);
pub trait SbInt:
+ Eq
+ PartialOrd<Self>
+ AddAssign<Self>
+ Add<Self, Output = Self>
+ Mul<Self, Output = Self>
+ std::fmt::Display
const ZERO: Self;
const ONE: Self;
const SIGNED: bool;
fn lt1(self, other: Self) -> bool;
fn avg(self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn abs(self) -> Self;
fn neg(self) -> Self;
fn steps(self, from: (Self, Self), to: (Self, Self)) -> Self;
impl<I: SbInt> Neg for Fraction<I> {
type Output = Self;
fn neg(self) -> Self { self.neg() }
macro_rules! impl_uint {
( $($ty:ty)* ) => { $(
impl SbInt for $ty {
const ZERO: $ty = 0;
const ONE: $ty = 1;
const SIGNED: bool = false;
fn lt1(self, other: Self) -> bool { self + 1 < other }
fn avg(self, other: Self) -> Self {
self + (other - self) / 2
fn abs(self) -> Self { self }
fn neg(self) -> Self { self.wrapping_neg() } fn steps(self, from: (Self, Self), to: (Self, Self)) -> Self {
if to.1 == 0 {
} else {
(self - from.1) / to.1
)* }
impl_uint! { u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize }
macro_rules! impl_int {
( $($ty:ty)* ) => { $(
impl SbInt for $ty {
const ZERO: $ty = 0;
const ONE: $ty = 1;
const SIGNED: bool = true;
fn lt1(self, other: Self) -> bool { self + 1 < other }
fn avg(self, other: Self) -> Self {
self + (other - self) / 2
fn abs(self) -> Self { self.abs() }
fn neg(self) -> Self { -self}
fn steps(self, from: (Self, Self), to: (Self, Self)) -> Self {
if to.1 == 0 {
} else {
(self - from.1) / to.1
)* }
impl_int! { i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize }
impl<I: SbInt> Fraction<I> {
fn zero() -> Self { Self(I::ZERO, I::ONE) }
fn infty() -> Self { Self(I::ONE, I::ZERO) }
impl<I: SbInt> Mul<I> for Fraction<I> {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, a: I) -> Self { Self(self.0 * a, self.1 * a) }
impl<I: SbInt> Add<Fraction<I>> for Fraction<I> {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self(self.0 + other.0, self.1 + other.1)
impl<I: SbInt> Fraction<I> {
fn is_deeper(self, bound: I) -> bool { self.1.abs() > bound }
fn neg(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.neg(), self.1) }
fn into_inner(self) -> (I, I) { (self.0, self.1) }
fn sanity_check() {
let sqrt3 = 5000_u64.fraction_bisect(|x, y| x * x <= 3 * y * y);
assert_eq!(sqrt3, ((3691, 2131), (5042, 2911)));
assert_eq!(10_u64.fraction_bisect(|_, _| false), ((0, 1), (0, 1)));
assert_eq!(10_i64.fraction_bisect(|_, _| false), ((-1, 0), (-1, 0)));
let neg_sqrt3 = 5000_i64.fraction_bisect(|x, y| x < 0 && x * x > 3 * y * y);
assert_eq!(neg_sqrt3, ((-5042, 2911), (-3691, 2131)));
let lt = 5000_i64.fraction_bisect(|x, y| 5 * x < 2 * y);
assert_eq!(lt, ((1999, 4998), (2, 5)));
let le = 5000_i64.fraction_bisect(|x, y| 5 * x <= 2 * y);
assert_eq!(le, ((2, 5), (1999, 4997)));
fn sqrt() {
let sqrt3 = 10_u128.pow(18).fraction_bisect(|x, y| x * x <= 3 * y * y);
let sqrt4 = 10_u128.pow(18).fraction_bisect(|x, y| x * x <= 4 * y * y);
assert_eq!(sqrt3.0, (734231055024833855, 423908497265970753));
assert_eq!(sqrt3.1, (1002978273411373057, 579069776145402304));
assert_eq!(sqrt4.0, (2, 1));
assert_eq!(sqrt4.1, (999999999999999999, 499999999999999999));
fn improper_fraction() {
let x = 6_u32.fraction_bisect(|x, y| x * 5 <= y * 13);
assert_eq!(x, ((13, 5), (8, 3)));
fn iterate() {
let bound = 6_u32;
let next = |p, q| bound.fraction_bisect(|x, y| x * q <= p * y).1;
let (p, q): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
std::iter::successors(Some((0, 1)), |&(p, q)| Some(next(p, q)))
.take_while(|&(p, q)| p <= q)
assert_eq!(p, [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1]);
assert_eq!(q, [1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1]);