:heavy_check_mark: test/yc_752.test.cpp

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#define PROBLEM "https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/752"

#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>

#include "Math/remainder_sum.cpp"

int main() {
  intmax_t p;
  int q;
  scanf("%jd %d", &p, &q);

  remainder_sum_table<intmax_t> rs(p);
  for (int i = 0; i < q; ++i) {
    intmax_t l, r;
    scanf("%jd %jd", &l, &r);
    printf("%jd\n", rs(r) - rs(l-1));

#line 1 "test/yc_752.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM "https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/752"

#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>

#line 1 "Math/remainder_sum.cpp"

 * @brief $i \\bmod{n}$ の和
 * @author えびちゃん

#line 10 "Math/remainder_sum.cpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

template <typename Tp>
class remainder_sum_table {
  using value_type = Tp;

  intmax_t M_n;
  std::vector<intmax_t> M_d;
  std::vector<value_type> M_s;

  remainder_sum_table() = default;

  explicit remainder_sum_table(intmax_t n): M_n(n) {
    M_d = {0};
    std::vector<intmax_t> tmp;
    for (intmax_t i = 1; i*i <= n; ++i) {
      if (i*i < n) tmp.push_back(n/i);
    M_d.insert(M_d.end(), tmp.rbegin(), tmp.rend());

    M_s = {0};
    for (size_t i = 1; i < M_d.size(); ++i) {
      intmax_t dl = M_d[i-1] + 1;
      intmax_t dr = M_d[i];
      value_type sum = value_type(n % dl + n % dr) * value_type(dr-dl+1) / 2;

    M_s.insert(M_s.begin(), 0);
    for (size_t i = 1; i < M_s.size(); ++i) M_s[i] += M_s[i-1];

  value_type operator ()(intmax_t r) const {
    if (r == 0) return 0;
    auto it = std::upper_bound(M_d.begin(), M_d.end(), r);
    size_t j = it - M_d.begin();
    intmax_t dl = it[-1] + 1;
    intmax_t dr = r;
    return M_s[j] + value_type(M_n % dl + M_n % dr) * value_type(dr-dl+1) / 2;

#line 7 "test/yc_752.test.cpp"

int main() {
  intmax_t p;
  int q;
  scanf("%jd %d", &p, &q);

  remainder_sum_table<intmax_t> rs(p);
  for (int i = 0; i < q; ++i) {
    intmax_t l, r;
    scanf("%jd %jd", &l, &r);
    printf("%jd\n", rs(r) - rs(l-1));

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